Leading Strategy Expert, Futurist & Best-selling Author

Is it really possible to change my DNA?


It has been proven by scientific research.To look for the latest research, just Google “can you alter your DNA” or “change DNA” and you will find fascinating links to explore and further your education.

Basically, we come...

Why is the adventure story important?

This choose-your-own action adventure series includes choice points that strengthen your action taking ability, all the while delivering insight that empowers you to apply the content in real life situations.

One thing that has come up for me is the topic of race. Bluntly put – I have always felt “less than” because I am black, and am too scared to start my coaching business (been trying for 7 years) as i do not think I will be accepted. What should I be doing to get through this? And what antidote statements should I be creating for the virus I feel less than because of my race. I thought of the statement “I am more than my race” as one of them, what do you think?

The basic version of the program is focused on core common denominators that benefit everyone, so I encourage you to please go through to Module 6 and it WILL make a positive difference in your life.n
With regard to your feelings and core beliefs about race, I...